Friday, March 6

  • The Emory Police Department received a report from a 31-year-old female graduate student and employee of Yerkes Primate Center on Feb. 20 at 10 a.m. The student stated that she had been receiving harassing phone calls for the past few weeks from a known caller. Her information was turned over to a detective and she is trying to obtain a protective order at this time.
  • EPD received a report of a hit-and-run on Feb. 24 at 11:25 a.m. from the Peavine Parking Deck. A security officer at the location witnessed a Pontiac Bonneville strike another vehcile and then leave the scene. EPD located the vehicle in the parking deck shortly after and proceeded the suspected vehcile for evidence.
  • A 21-year-old male student reported that someone stole his iPod from White Hall 212 on Feb. 24 sometime between 12:15 and 2:30 p.m. The student stated that he left his iPod on a desk in the room and when he returned to retrieve it, the iPod was gone. There are no suspects at this time.
  • Someone stole a 24-speed Yukon Giant bicycle from outside of Alabama Hall sometime on Feb. 25. An Emory student reported that the lock, helmet and pedal clips were also stolen as well. The total value of all of hte stolen items is $400.
  • EPD received a report from a 47-year-old visitor to the Emory Clinic that someone stole the GPS unit from the glove compartment of their car on Feb. 25 sometime between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. The vehicle had been parked by valet serices at the Winship Cancer Center. The GPS is valued at $200.
  • A staff member at the Emory University Hospital reported a theft that occurred on Feb. 25 at 2 p.m. The staff member sated that he left his wallet at the parking office and realized that his wallet was missing later that afternoon. The wallet was missing when he returned to the location, but someone used his debit card at a Citgo gas station for $110 shortly after. The wallet also contained the staff member’s credit cards and driver’s license.
  • EPD received a report of entering auto from Wesley Woods on Feb. 26 at 10 a.m. A 37-year-old white male subject driving an Emory van parked in the loading dock at the location and went inside a nearby building. He returned less than ten minutes later and found that two locks in the rear of the vehicle had been broken and equipment in the back had been stolen. Someone stole two $500 backpack blowers, one $350 hedger, two $350 weeders, one $500 large hedge clippers and one $350 small hedgle clippers.

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